Sunday, February 21, 2010


hey there? how's life??

ah besok semua kelas 9 menjalani UCKPD II at
au uji coba kurikulum pendidikan ke 2, (bener gk?) atau biasa disebut TO!! atau try out.....dan teman teman, gue blm belajar. i promise to study after lunch:) wish me luck yaaa, Amen:DD
gue bingung deh mau ngepost apa:))) hhehe
hehehehe ma?af ya:)))

it means that we have to membulatkan LJK dengan benar!!!!!! dan belajar dgn benar jg mihihi

optimisssssss:) we couldddd

ohyaaa dont do this:) semoga aku bisa tanpa nyonteeek, amin

yeah we could, so byeeeeeeee:)) study hard everyonee:)
God bless us all:) amen

Saturday, February 20, 2010

hey buddy, i watched valentine's day and it was funny haha~ and romantic

but not too interesting for me, but make time to watch it guys!!

lovee, gabchy!
GOD bless:)


hola amigos!!! long time no post!!
instead waiting downloads and do nothing, i decide to write on my blog.....miss ya!

hey look what date is this!!! bntar lagi UN!! go fight win us!!!! haha:p hey, i wanna share somethin. i kinda miss...having boyf, ya knw, my bestie got one, and me? ah whtvr, i knw GOD GAVE ME ALL THE BEST THING:) LOVE YOU GOD!! no boy? no tears! ha~ha smile all the way :)

aku mau masuk sma 8!!!!!! mau bgtzzz haha jijik gue sama z-nya itloooch-_-
ohya 2 of my buddy's getting weird. tk a look at these

Gaaab masih sayang gaak sama eqi? Kalo diajak baikan gimana? by mutiarani

ih kok pada tanya gt siiiiiiiih???

Lo masih sayang sma eqi gaak gab?? by mutiarani

eh knp orang2 pada nanya ini?

kalo dia ajak balikan sama eqi mau gak? by eskaptr

ehm gmn ya (sok mikir)

masih sayang kan sm eqi? by eskaptr

enggak kok

whadda point? oh, never mind.
gaby loves her life.
byeeee:) GOD bless!! amen:)