Monday, March 22, 2010

monday oh adventureeeeeee

happy monday peopleeeeeeeeeee!!!
hows this day goin? yeah i really had fun this day, this week is an intensive week, since next week is....UAN. yeah, scholl starts at 7am today for my class, i left home at half past 6 today. guess what? the gate is closed-_- yeah too bad. we're not punished, but the teacher asked us to wait outside so we wouldnt disturb the flag ceremony. gue sama cisi males kan tuh nunggu, yaudah kita ke 7/11 walau waktunya mepet. soalnya kls gue masuk jam 7. dengan nekat, kita berangkatttt!!! ohya sama yuyun jg hehehe:p
sorry for being norak.tapi ini pertamanya gue ke 7/11 since i'm a housy girl (maksudnya anak rumahan)

disana gue beli slurpee, yg blacberry deh kalo gasalah, gue kira slurpee itu minuman apa, ternyata cm beverages yg dibekuin terus di serut, a.k.a minuman bersoda yg diserut. tp keren aja. sbnrnya gue pgn beli makanan tp mengingat masuk jam 7, yasud gue ke stack yg ada permen karet trs beli deh uhuhuhu:DDDD dari situ gue mau nya naik m01,
kira2 kayak gini si m 01

ternyata masih lampu merah, and it seems that it gonna takes much time, we decided to walk. ON feet. tapi asik2 aja tuh. sampe sklh....blm dibukain jg! tp gak lama akhirnya kita masuk. belajar ipa deh. abis itu pulang. TAPI GAK LANGSUNG pulang. nah kita mau ke tga dl, mau beli buku musik. kita ke talang dl jemput yosua, abis itu cao deh.

disini kita bertemu MR. siapa gt gue lupa dia tukang taksi nya. but it consist s, i, w,y, u, o gue lupa namanya. tapi mas nya asik deh. nah kita ke tga terus nyari2 buku, abis itu kita ke AW deh, beli ice cream cone a.k.a monas. trs kita cao lg. yosua stella ke ksm, silky vina ke bta, gue? RUMAAHHH naik buswaaay hihihi.

oke tmn2, enough dl ya. mau istirahat, mau les abis itu, smg gue semangat belajar nanti mlm, hehe. ok deh! byebye guys!
God bless us all, amennnn:DD

Saturday, March 20, 2010

RATS AREEEEE DISGUSTING, but it doesnt mean we're not.

hey readaaa' hows life goin? just in da mood to post somethin. yea, somethin......

a day before yesterday... (still thinking wheter i
t's rite or not) i studied hard for math pra-un test:) until 10 p.m! really tired even just 10pm in my dictionary it means 12p.m! i ended my study then i go to my bed, but my eyes caught a film (not caught, but i'd like to write it so) i thought it was a horror film since it friday nite. yeah, it was but that film is about RATS! yucccccccccck. it's about breed of rat that becoming so maaaa-a-a-a-a-a-any and they're attacking the town, gak langsung kayak perang gt tp mereka tuh makan2in darah, makanin makanan2 di resto, dll. ih jijikkkkk-_- disgusting bgeeeet iuuuu~ dan tikusnya banyaaaaaaaak bgt ya. the most disgusting part (for me, because i didnt whatched it all) is when the rat MASUK KE KLOSEEEET terus ngetuk2 gt iiih. it was big and black yaaa! iuuuuh. terus di tembak sama jagoannya itu. menurut gue agak lebe masa tikus ditembak sih. nah nah nah ini ini, kayaknya sih ini nih filmnya, gatau jg sih HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA gue tadi coba cari yg adegan di kloset itu tapi gak ketemu U.U
iiiih tikuuuusss! gue gak benci sih tapi jijik aja hahahahaha kalo tikus lucu kayak gini baru gue demen wkwkw


ini jugaaa!

ekspresi nyaaaa hhoho
oke enough ya blogwalkerrrr
God bless us all, amen:D


uh not really, still got UN, ujian praktek sama uas. AAAAAAAAAA *screaming* never mind, i'm just a little girl that stressed out and which could mess your day HAHAHA *devil's laugh* but i'll let ya go if ya visits my blog every day HOHOHOHOHOHO gak deng, tenang aja i'm not that bad. sorry ya gue cm asal doang gatau deh bener atau gak bhsnya-__- hUhUhUUU *alay mode on*

oh ya keinginan gue adalah minta maaf sebesar2nya, bentar lagi UN, semoga UN nya lancar ya, ameeen:DDD big thanks jg supporter gue HAHA yaitu mama, papa, keluarga semua, serta ibu guru dan bapak guru serta guru les privatku yg pintaaar bu bella swan (?) gak gab gak lucu!

ya trs apalagi? udeh ini aja ya skrg, ntar posting lagi kalo sempet

God bless us all. amen:D

Friday, March 19, 2010

halo (lagi)

hey hey!! its me again

so what!!?? ah never mind

eh tadi masa gue kan buka facebook, terus gue main pet society wkwk masih jaman yeee-_- trs gue ganti bajunya babette jd baju army gt hahha cutieees:3 just like me (?????@#^%$&^*() gak gab. abis abis.

mau liat? (a: enggak)
jahat ah ah bodo amat mau gak mau gue post juga.

HERE COMES BABETTE!!!! lucu kaaan??
taulah gt deh hahaha gajelas yeee. whateveeeer
eh tau gak td gue keinget sesuatu. mau tau? ketik REG spa........ HAH lawak lo gab. udeh deh ah!! iya gue keinget sesuatu yang harus nya gak gue inget2 lagi. hahha:3

got a lotta thing to do!!
God bless us all, amen:D

ALOHA!! days by days to UN!!

halo manusia yang berjalan di blog (?)
apadeh lu gab wkwk

eh ga kerasa ya bentar lagi UN, terus ujian praktek, terus UAS, terus? aaaaa:'( gamau pisah sama Genoven tp gamau gak lulus jg!! apalagi BLICSTWIGHT! aaaah 98 is the best lah mwah mwah deeehh ucucu:) eh sbnrnya gue masih pra un nih tp gue nakal malah posting. one days to go pals! wmatb!!!! thnkssss:D

post yang ini ini aja ya, just greetin you guys.
God bless us all, amen:D